2018-04: HackSpace Magazine #005 (engl.)

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    • Erstellungsdatum 1. April 2018
    • Zuletzt aktualisiert 24. Juni 2024

    2018-04: HackSpace Magazine #005 (engl.)

    In HackSpace magazine issue 5 Limor Fried of Adafruit teaches us what it takes to make great hardware. We also find out everything there is to know about LEDs, convert a Dremel rotary tool into a table saw and much, much more:

    • Ruth Amos chats about Kids Invent Stuff and Girls With Drills
    • Join Cheerlights, the world's biggest IoT project
    • Find the best gesture sensor for your projects
    • Discover the brand new Raspberry Pi 3B+
    • Lots and lots of LEDs

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